This page is deprecated and is only online for archival purposes. To find out more about my talks, you should visit my new talks website.
I've spoken a few times at the Scottish Ruby Conference, and at my local Ruby Use Group, ScotRUG. You can see what other people think about the topics I speak on at my SpeakerRate page, and judge for yourself from the content below.
I speak about how we learn languages as programmers and how we can apply the same skills and abilities we use every day to learn how to speak any language, not just to a computer, but to other people too.
This talk served as a quick introduction to the world of PCI DSS, a security standard that any application that stores, processes or transmits card data has to comply with.
The talk covered the various levels of self assessment compliance and was followed by a long QA session.
This talk argues about the need for engineering teams to properly evaluate their use of Continuous Integration tools in relation to their projects. By making sure that it's part of their workflow in a sane, structured manner, and not something that just ends up being a black box that runs tests, so you don't have to, you can ensure things like Contiuous Deployment as possible and keep your code / product quality high.
It’s important to always remember that the culture of your target audience plays a huge part when you’re considering localising your application.
During this talk at ScotRUG, I highlighted common pitfalls and tried to encourage the audience to think a little differently when it comes to approaching a new market with their product.