I can stand!

I've been recovering from a severe injury to my left ankle. I've been completely off my feet for over 190 days. I stood for the first time since the accident this weekend and I couldn't be happier.

I can stand!
Photo by Lance Grandahl / Unsplash

I haven't mentioned this on the blog before, so let me catch everyone up:

At the end of March, 2024, I had an accident while I was heading home from Shinjuku. I stepped back out of the way of a bicycle to let it pass and managed to fall over on my left ankle.

The resulting fall completely dislocated my talus, fractured it, and caused damage to both malleoli. I was hospitalized and had to undergo two surgeries. I was very well looked after by the staff at Toranomon Hospital, and I am expected to make a reasonable recovery, although there is a likelihood that I will have some permanent damage.

After staying in hospital for over 2 months, I was discharged with a splint for my ankle and strict instructions from my doctor:

  • Lose weight
  • Don't put any weight on my ankle / foot
  • Continue the exercises I was given by the hospital physiotherapist to keep my strength up

I've been following all of these diligently. If I have to go outside, I must use a wheelchair. Dean has been an amazing support during this time, helping to wheel me around to the park or hospital appointments.

At home, I use a pick up walker / zimmer frame to hop around the apartment.

It's been a very trying time. I'd probably have gone crazy by now if it wasn't for the support and encouragement of Dean, my family, friends, and colleagues.

I've managed to lose almost 45kg of weight compared to when I was admitted to the hospital.

Part of the reason for my long recovery is the extra strain and pressure that being severely overweight puts on my joints and muscles, so losing weight is critical to healing well.

Earlier this month I had an appointment with my doctor and he authorized me to start partially putting weight on my left foot, so I can start building up to using it again.

Nothing too strenuous, and I am to make sure that I am putting no more than 10% of my weight through that part of my body. It's going to be a long road still before I can walk.

I did reach a milestone yesterday though - I was able to stand on my own!

Most of my weight still goes through my right foot, but I am finally able to put my left foot on the ground too and hold my balance without support.

It's awkward, the angle is wrong, and I can't really move - but I can stand!

It's a small victory, but an important one. Improvements come slowly and it's giving me extra encouragement to persevere.

I'm very lucky to have such wonderful people around me offering their love and support. I am also very grateful to my fantastic doctor, and the staff on Ward 15 who looked after me so well during my hospitalization.

I can stand!